Buy the product Reusable Waterproof Anti-slip Rain Shoe Boots Cover Durable Comfortable PVC online at budget-friendly rates, complemented by diverse appealing promotional schemes and convenient payment choices, including complimentary shipping policies.
Reusable Waterproof Anti-slip Rain Shoe Boots Cover: Product Descriptions:- Beautiful and stylish rain shoes cover- Suitable for child, man & woman- Water proof design to prevent your precious feet & shoes from get wet and dirty- No worry when going to school & work during raining day- Anti-skidding & thicken shoes bottom- PVC plastic material, durable and long lasting-ProductsizearemeasuredinEURsize.PleaserefertoshoessizetableItisimportanttomeasuretheexternalsolepriortoordering.Duetohygienereason,wewontbedoingexchangeforwrongsizeordered- Color: Transparent white – For sport shoe, select shoe cover 1 size bigger & for tracking boots, select 2 size bigger. when in doubt, take the bigger size Kindlynotethatifyouchooseeconomymodeofdelivery,itllbedeliveredbySingpostmail,whichwillnormallytake2-3workingdaysandyourparcelwillbeinyourmail/letterbox.Thismodeisnon-traceableandinrarecases,maybemissingandlostlessthat1%basedonourpersonalexperiences.Priortodroppingoff,wewilltakeapictureasproofofdrop-offintheeventthataparcelisnotreceived.
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