Buy the product Aquaria KLCC Open Date Ticket Malaysia Attraction Kuala Lumpur Tickets Vouchers Travel Family Friend online at budget-friendly rates, complemented by diverse appealing promotional schemes and convenient payment choices, including complimentary shipping policies.
Things to note- Book your visit within 60 days from purchase date- Visit date selected can be beyond the 60 days validity eg. Purchase voucher on 1 Jan 2022, Voucher available for booking till 1 March 2022, Selected entry use date can be after 1 March 2022- No amendment after date is selected- Voucher is non-refundable & no cancellation allowed How To Use- You will receive a confirmation email/SMS. Click on Redeem Here on your mobile device if you receive via email/click on the URL link in the text message if you receive via SMS- Click Please select visit date and click USE- The eTicket will be sent to you in PDF eTicket-Pleasepresenteithermobileorprintedvoucheralongwiththepre-booktimeslotforentry.-PleasemakeaslotbookingfirstbeforeyouvisittheAquariaKLCCviaprovidedlink. Extend Voucher Validity and Refund Policy1. Extend voucher validity anytime: Contact our customer service to extend voucher validityExtension only allowed on gift voucher, not the attraction validity Extension only allowed for gift vouchers that has not been clicked use 2. Fully refundable: Contact our customer service for refundRefund only allowed for gift vouchers that has not been clicked use ImportantNotes- Pleasemakeaslotbookingviaprovidedlink. OffPeak:MondaytoFridayexcludingnationalpublicholidays,andpublicholidayswithinthestateofSelangorandtheFederalTerritoriesofKualaLumpurandPutrajaya. – Peak:Alldayaccessincludingweekends,nationalpublicholidays,andpublicholidayswithinthestateofSelangorandtheFederalTerritoriesofKualaLumpurandPutrajaya. Inclusions- Full-DayTickettoAquariaKLCC Terms&Conditions- Ticketisvalidfor90daysfromdateofpurchase.- Childrenbelow3yearsfreeadmission.- Guests13yearsandaboveareconsideredAdultsbetween3-12yearsareentitledtopurchaseChildrate.- Achildbelowtheageof13mustbeaccompaniedbyanAdult.
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