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IMPORTANT Please remember to claim your voucher within 30 days of purchase as Shopee clears their notification folder every few weeks. CODES CAN BE FOUND BY GOING TO Shopee Homepage > Notifications at the bottom of your screen > My Notifications NOT seller updates > Shopee Updates WERE NO LONGER LOCATED DIGITAL PRODUCT For visual guide, please refer to the picture above. Thank you Term and Conditions – The voucher codes are valid for both existing and new TADA Singapore users.- The voucher codes are only applicable to Credit / Debit Card payment method.- Additional fees Smart Call/Toll/Child Seat/Airport Fees are not subjected to the discounts incurred by this voucher.- The voucher codes can not be stacked and are non-exchangeable for cash.- Each voucher code is valid for one use within the validity period. No extension of validity allowed.- Kindly write to if you encounter any issue applying the vouchers.- TADA Mobility reserves the right to revise the terms and conditions without prior notice.
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