Buy the product SG STOCK/ DEECHOQO Mini crunch with chocolate, matcha, hersey, oreo, salted caramel, cookies online at budget-friendly rates, complemented by diverse appealing promotional schemes and convenient payment choices, including complimentary shipping policies.
Moredetailsareavailableoneveryoptionphoto.Pleaseclickandread BEFORE ordering so you know what you are buying. DEECHOQOsnackoffersirresistiblevariouscereals/cookiesforanundeniablydelicioustreat.Pairedwithmatcha/chocolate/saltedcaramel,itisperfectlybalancedandirresistiblyaddictive.Youllsavoureverybiteofthisfreshanddelectablesnack.Itshalalandhandmadebymuslimownedcompany. Baby crunch cereal base:King MilkWhite HersheyJapanese MatchaHazel BuenoPistachio Dark chocolate mini cereal base:White cremeSalted Caramel Cookies base:Matcha LatteSnowy redvelvetBlack CookieKuqiss Berbury PLEASE NOTE: the sauce is poured into the cereals and cookies adequately just nice as to maintain the cereals and cookies crunchiness. Please dont expect overwhelming amount of sauce. Thank you. Expiry:May-June 2024 Nopreservativesadded.Itemswillbecushionedproperlywithdoublelayeredbubblewraptoensuresafety.Howeverduringdelivery,leakagemayhappenduetohowparcelsarebeinghandledbycouriercompany.
The SG STOCK/ DEECHOQO Mini crunch with chocolate, matcha, hersey, oreo, salted caramel, cookies items come from a trustworthy seller and are shipped through a reliable e-commerce platform in Singapore. With attractive designs, assured quality, and prices to suit different preferences, selecting the perfect SG STOCK/ DEECHOQO Mini crunch with chocolate, matcha, hersey, oreo, salted caramel, cookies product is made easy to meet your shopping requirements.